On Thursdays @ 5 PM ET/2 PM CT, I’m back on the Airwaves with a brand new radio program!

As some of you know, my former radio program, The Wyatt O’Brian Evans Show, had been on hiatus. And then, the dynamic, highly respected and always on the move LesBe Real Media afforded me a FAB-U-LOUS opportunity to create Wyatt’s Man Cave, which I wholeheartedly accepted! I’m delighted to now be part of the LesBe Real Family. One helluva way to kick off the New Year!

Wyatt’s Man Cave centers on gay/SGL men’s relationship and wellness issues. And, noteworthy, distinguished and diverse LGBTQ individuals and their Allies are gonna join in to talk the talk with me!

And guess what? I’ll have an UN-DE-NIAB-LY raucous and wild co-host dropping in from time to time: Ms. Caroleena Devereaux CumshotDrag Queen Supreme!

Wyatt’s Man Cave is kick-azz EARGASM to curl Grown Folks’ toes…and tantalize their fantasies! And, it’s truly awesome that it’s comin’ to you from LesBe Real Media, whose mission is to “provide news, views, arts and entertainment supporting the LGBTQ community and its allies.” And in just three years, LesBe Real Media has reached over two million households.

And guess what? If you miss “Wyatt’s Man Cave” LIVE!, you can hear it on

It’s gonna be like, well…Freakin’ YOWZA!!!

So, “git yo’self” ready for Wyatt’s Man Cave! Click on the formal announcement: