They’re at it again. And, they’re brewing and poised to be one “helluva triple threat.”
First, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) was the driving force behind Measure B, a 2012 law passed in Los Angeles County that mandates condoms in porn.
Then, in late August of this year, AHF served subpoenas to sexual health testing centers, asking them to turn over private medical files of adult film actors. The Free Speech Coalition (FSC), a trade group for the adult entertainment industryvolleyed back, stating, “The request of confidential, private medical records is a violation of the Health Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). As a health care provider schooled in patient privacy, AHF should be ashamed. AHF is hoping that by combing through patients’ private medical records, they can find something that would serve their political campaign.”
And right on the heels of that, AHF made its next move: putting forth a ballot initiative that mandates the use of condoms in all porn productions throughout the entire state of California. However, the part of the measure that has the adult industry really up in arms–and panicky, to say the least, is the following: that regular citizens can sue porn producers for creating condomless content—and receive financial incentive for doing so.
In other words, any California resident could bring a lawsuit against an adult film producer if the actors don’t use condoms, and if the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health doesn’t adequately pursue the matter. Additionally, viewers who bring civil lawsuits and win will receive 25 percent of the penalties and recoup legal fees.
Critics point out that although the initiative targets producers, the reality is that many adult performers also act as producers. According to, Mike Stabile, spokesperson for FSC, stated, “’Pretty much every performer at this point is also a producer. Performers have their own websites, they sell clips, they do webcam shows’.”
Vocativ continues, “’This bill puts performers at the mercy of any citizen, including those who misjudge and scorn the adult film industry’, says porn star Chanel Preston, president of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee. ‘Any person or group with an anti-porn agenda, anyone with a personal issue with a specific performer, or an overly zealous fan could use their power as a means to attack performers in the industry’.
“The fear is based on past experience. ‘I receive harassment through social media or email almost every day, she says.” Vocativ also reports that several industry insiders state “that they worry this would expose them to harassment from stalkers, trolls, disapproving family members and anti-porn activists.”
AHF has not responded to repeated requests for comment, claims Vocativ.
As a performer this initiative not only violate my privacy but my work to entertain. Bareback scenes come with a warning about its practice. The decision of practicing this type of sex is solely from the person. I compare this to some cases when plaintiffs have tried to blame music for certain tragedies.
Tancredo: you make such cogent points. And as I’ve been stating, what about the violation of the First Amendment. Thanks for your input.
Another Attack on the Porn Industry plain and simple .. For those who would have it shut down.
Rod: Thanks for commenting. I totally agree. And, what about violation of our First Amendment rights?