Nourish Your Soul!
I fervently believe in “Food for the Soul.” As you know, I’ve written about this topic several times over the years. And with the growing social/political chaos and uncertainty that we find ourselves in, it’s high time I do so again. Precisely, what is “Food for the Soul?” Well, it’s what I absorbed from Wishes Fulfilled, the wildly popular tome by Dr. [...]
Top Ten Qualities of Gay/SGL Super-Couples
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, I pose the question, “What makes a healthy and enduring long-term LGBTQ+ relationship successful?” To help find the answer, I had a conversation with one of my good buddies, Malcolm. For several years now, he’s been enjoying a successful union with Leon. I inquired how they accomplish it; ya know, how they’ve managed to [...]
Eddie Pierce, Jr., founder of Rainbow Room Publishing (RRP), reviews Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—SHATTERED! by Wyatt O'Brian Evans. “I’m finding Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—SHATTERED! to be quick in pacing, wit-filled, impactful short, and easily digestible chapters. From the visceral, shocking, and gripping search and rescue during a brutal East Coast blizzard in the opening scene SHATTERED! arrests the [...]
“Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—SHATTERED!” By Wyatt O. Evans
Review by Michael Yang, VP, Urlink Print and Media “Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—SHATTERED!” by Wyatt O. Evans is a gripping continuation of the emotional rollercoaster that is the relationship between Wes and ‘Tonio, two charismatic and complex characters fighting to keep their love alive amidst a whirlwind of personal turmoil. This second installment in the series delves deep into [...]
Being Resolute About Your Resolutions
Oh, my! It's a shiny New Year! And coming with the year ahead are all those ambitious, dramatic—and myriad--promises we make. We fervently vow, "This year's gonna be different 'cause THIS TIME, I'm gonna stick to my New Year's Resolutions!" Just like glue. So, it would be rather nifty to explore the roots of this time-honored tradition and then [...]
Obliterate Those Holiday Blues!
Ohhhhhhhhh, myyyyy gawd. It’s THAT time of the year again! And you’re an LGBTQ+ individual who’s dreading it. Precisely what am I talking about? The Holidays, dagnabbit! Why might you be in a major funk? Maybe you feel you can’t be your authentic self around family because you’re still closeted. Or, you might be alone, feeling isolated. All of [...]
HartStrings 28
“Keith Barrow: Unfulfilled Promise” Guest Writer: Bishop Hartsel Clifton Shirley Keith Errol Barrow was born September 27, 1954, in Chicago. His father was a welder; his mother, the civil and human rights activist Rev. Willie Barrow, was co-founder of Rev. Jesse Jackson's Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity). When he was eight, young Barrow began singing [...]
U Ready to Git Yo’ Gobble, Gobble On?
“For many in the LGBTQ+ community, it’s not always about heading back to the family dinner table—it’s about creating your own home with those who love and celebrate you,” according to, an LGBTQ+ travel site. “Instead of enduring that traditional holiday spread where Uncle Bob’s nosiness is inevitable, why not vibe with friends who really get you?” Regarding [...]