Saturday, March 1, 2025:

WYATT! Welcomes The Filmmaker Who’s Bringing  Legendary Comedian Reynaldo Rey Back To Life! Filmmaker, director, producer, and comedian Marcus Head drops by to discuss his upcoming and groundbreaking three-part documentary, “The Reynaldo Rey Story!” Head gives us the full monty about working with the iconic comedian and how the documentary has become his passion project! The filmmaker also chats about his decades-long entertainment career, which has been colorful with many twists and turns! This eppy of WYATT! is enlightening, insightful, and funny with a capital “F!”

Saturday, March 8:

The Iconic Madonna Holds Court On WYATT! Actually, it’s The Original Madonna Double, who gives us the 411 on her intriguing and inspiring career, which stretches back to the 1980s! She reveals how she started embodying Madonna, maintaining her longevity as a performer, and branching out to other forms of entertainment and media. C’mon! Let’s all “Strike a Pose” on this installment of WYATT!

Saturday, March 22:

 WYATT! Gives The Red Carpet Treatment to Kiing Most! This musical artiste is exciting! Innovative. And freakin’ dope! In this exhilarating edition of WYATT!, find out why the Kiing wears his crown soooooo dang well!

Friday, March 28:

WYATTEVANS.COM Special Report–Stigma: That Albatross Around Your Neck! Why does that dysfunctional and potentially life-threatening cycle of abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A), tend to be dramatically underreported? Why? Stigma is the culprit! This special WYATTEVANS.COM does a deep dive.