“Hello! My Name is Norman– and I’m an Addict!”
Guest Writer: R. L. Norman
We just finished doing it and it felt soooooo good!
Because of the pandemic, it had been over a year since I’d done it. Social distancing put a real damper on my possibilities of fulfilling my urges.
But now I had to give in.
The world is slowly opening up and getting back to some sort of normalcy. But I’ve still been a little leery about dropping my guard and giving in to my urges.
Whoever I choose to do it with, questions arise in my head. Are they vaccinated? Are they being safe? Is it safe to do it with them? Do I ask for proof of vaccination, like a COVID vaccine?
Well, what to do? What do I do? We must continue to be careful out there.
Before the pandemic, I use to do it all the time; in fact, as much as I could! In life, we all need and want to do it from time to time. A while ago, I was in a bad place: along with personal issues, my health was taking a toll on me.
So, I placed a call to one of my friends with benefits and asked him to come over.
Because I needed it.
He came over…and we did it! Unfortunately, though, it only lasted a few minutes–but it felt real good! I have to admit that after it was over, I felt much better about things.
Okay now…it’s time to get your mind out of the gutter! I know you think I’m talking about sex.
But actually, I’m talking about hugging! The art of touching without having sex.
And there are six ways to do it. Each method simply depends on the particular circumstances in which you find yourself. So, it varies. I’ve done it all six ways.

The first is the Back Hug. It’s a sign of both trust and protection. It’s what kids usually give their parents, and the parents reciprocate by carrying them around. If you are receiving a hug like this, it means someone has your back. And if you’re giving it to someone, it means you are willing to protect them from anything.
Then if you are hugging someone with everything you’ve got, and the other person doesn’t even lift an arm to put it around your shoulder; you’ve just been given the second one, the One-Way Hug. The lack of reciprocation you just got from the other person means that they’re not as into the relationship as you would like.
Next is the Polite Hug. This is the type of hug you usually share with acquaintances and colleagues. It’s given sideways, with only a partial upper-body contact. The lower body never comes in contact, indicating some discomfort or awkwardness. If you are giving or receiving this sort of a hug from your date, it means that there is some distance in the relationship.
Then comes the Buddy Hug. This is a sideways embrace, with your arms over each other’s shoulders or on the waist. It suggests a level of comfort and trust that transcends your everyday romance. It means that you aren’t just a couple–but also friends. If you usually sit or walk while sharing this type of hug, it means that your relationship is meant to last.

Next is the Intimate Hug, a close, full-body embrace. Eye contact takes this type of hug to a new level because it is clearly about more than just physical touch. If you are experiencing this type of hold, it means you have something special going on.
And lastly is the Bear Hug. It’s tight, reassuring, and worth a million words! The bear hug is what people who love each other completely share. It’s the sort of embrace that you’ve been getting from your parents—a hold that relieves you of stress and anxiety. If you share this type of hug with someone, it means things are pretty serious–and you have deep feelings for them.
In life, a simple thing as a hug goes a long way. When we are kids and our parents hug us, life seems so much better.
And as adults, a simple hug makes a whole world of difference.
So go out and hug someone! Give that person the gesture of hope in life. And let someone hug you so that you can exhale your troubles away for a moment. However, as the pandemic is being controlled—albeit slowly—we still must continue to be careful.
Hello! My name is Norman–and I’m a hug-a-holic!

R. L. Norman is a writer, podcaster, performer, and author of the popular series of novels entitled, “Honey Let Me Tell You.” The fifth installment “Honey, Hush Don’t Ask And I Won’t Tell ” was a sizzling sequel to the series. Now his sixth and seventh books, “Honey, I Can’t Stand The Rain” and “Honey, Love is a Rollercoaster,” both debut in 2021. As well, R. L.’s “Norman’s One Night Stand,” a one-man show he conceived, performed, and wrote, showcasing the main character of his series, returns next year. And catch his podcast, “Honey Let Me Tell You Something Else” also returning soon to Itunes. All of these endeavors are part of his production company, Honey Let Me Tell You. You may reach R. L. at his online home, https://rlnorman1.wixsite.com/honeyletmetellyou; by email at rl.norman@aol.com; on Facebook at RL NORMAN; on Twitter, @rl_norman; and on Instagram: rlnorman1.
I love Norman’s articles.
Most of us don’t think about intimate relationships and the pandemic. But, it is something we need to think about all the time.
Yes, I was thinking about sex at first. Thank you for explaining hugs. Now I need to get a hug!
Here’s a virtual hug for you Norman!
Love it . I like the way the you drew me in and you kept me in suspense and yes I did think it was about sex .you has me .I has to kept reading. very good writing
I laugh at the end of that little story I assumed it was talking about sex but it was really nice I enjoyed the read.
Norman, great article. Yes, I too was kept in suspense. It made for more intriguing reading. We all need a “HUG” at some point in our life.
RL Norman, . I enjoyed reading your books. Great article and hit the head of the nail. This pandemic has taken me to the point that, I had to deal with being gay single life, & potential mate, my mom Alzheimere and my family well been. Thank you for sharing.
Your writing is magical. It is wonderful to be reminded hugs are important in our culture. The warmth of an embrace intentional or not can to lead to a peaceful outcome. Your words always arouse the innocence in me or the other.
Great story, RL Norman is very talented, definitely love your writing, keep them coming
After reading your little story about hugs it made me think about a friend who use to come to my house and stay for days at a time
Eash and every time he woud leave he would spread out his arms for me to come to him and we would give each other a bear hug and hold each other for a few minutes
My friend is a little upset with me now because someone is taking up too much of my time now
I really miss those hugs and him too. Now that I’m not getting those hugs I how it made me feel just knowing someone loves and cares about you as much.
I will call him today and let him know I miss and still love him
Thank you Norman
Thank you for THIS! I love the way you carried us away to something some-to-most of us would like to experience during this pandemic, but have some reservations about and then, BOOM!!! LOL! It was pure perfection! But yes, A hug and REAL hug, is something that we all could use during this very trying time that we’re living in!?! I know I could use one and I’m looking forward to the day where we’re not so scared or timid about sharing our space with someone outside of our immediate connections(family, close friends)?! I can’t wait to lay eyes on one very special and important friend in my life to get and give a BEAR HUG!!
I will now pay attention to how I hug and how I am hugged. However I have been with my friend for nineteens years and he is not a hugger .