“It’s About That G-Thang”
Guest Writer: LaToya Hankins
Happy 2016! I’m trusting all is well in your world.
Please allow me the opportunity to introduce “my selves” to you. I may be an only child raised by an only child, but I feel I have a not-so secret identity I want to share with you.
By day, I am LaToya Hankins, a 44-year-old polite woman who works for the State of North Carolina. LaToya drives a compact car, has a dog named Neo, and shares her home and birthday with a “Canadian professional listener” (a mental health therapist), and two feline divas named Percy and Patches.
However, once the sun sets, LaToya takes off her badge, “lets loose” her locs (dreadlocks) and becomes…Toya! She’s the author of books, short stories and clever social media updates who creates worlds where LGBTQ persons of color who call the South their home thrive. Toya loves potatoes, pasta, and the percolator (that popular 1980’s dance where you rapidly gyrate your legs in time with the music and “pop” your booty)–which she does furiously in her mind when she listens to the Pandora house music station.
Over the next few months, I hope to share more about LaToya and Toya with you, and I hope to learn more about you as well. However, with this being a New Year, let us start with what probably passed through most of our lips on January 1st (besides collards and black eyed peas): New Year’s resolutions.
Like many of you, I resolve to lose weight, cut back on my television watching and save money. All of which is cute. But what I really want to work on is being more grateful for what I have, in order to allow more great things to come into my life.
Many of us know the power of gratitude, but we have been reluctant to claim it as part of our lives. Maybe we don’t know how to start, what we should be grateful for, or how to show it.
There is no wrong way to be grateful and it’s quite easy to do once you put your mind to it. The first step is to be grateful for simply being you. Many people didn’t make it to 2016, so celebrate the simple fact that you are still among the number.
Next, take a look in the mirror. When looking at yourself, be grateful for the achievements which followed you across the threshold of the New Year. Last year, many of us gave ourselves peace of mind by shedding failed relationships. Others gave ourselves the power to believe in our own abilities by starting new businesses, going back to school, or accepting the fact that we are better than our circumstances. We have to be grateful for the opportunities provided and created by us to step outside the lines to be better people in 2016.
Along with being grateful for the achievements we have manifested, we need to be grateful for those who have been in our corner celebrating and commiserating with us. It could be your mother, your best friend, your beloved, or that neighbor you have had a crush on forever. We all have someone in our lives whose laughter chase away the storm clouds, knows just the right time to call to shake us out of our foul mood, or comes through with a home-cooked meal (depending on the situation) to feed our souls and stomach. Be grateful for the simple treasures of that person who has your back, stands in front of you to shield you from trouble, and stands in the gap for you when you can’t stand alone.
Many of us have memorized “The Color Purple,” but one of the lines that stands out for me is the notion that walking by the color purple in a field pissed God off. In this New Year, we have to be grateful for the simple acts of beauty and kindness we see all around us. Express gratitude by taking the time to listen to raindrops hitting the windows when you are inside with no particular place to go, and then acknowledging that perfect symphony of sound. Show gratitude by standing still and finding calmness in the sight of twilight when the sun exits the celestial stage, allowing the chorus of stars to be showcased. Display gratitude for the touch of a loved one by expressing thanks through your words and deeds for their contributions to your life.
Showing gratitude allows us to feel better and opens us up to receiving more good things. Happiness attracts happiness. And no matter what resolutions we set forth, the main objective is to be happy. Gratitude doesn’t require gym fees, special fees, or new clothes. It’s free and feels good. So indulge!
This is my first column, and I am grateful that you have read it. I hope it sparks you to think about what you have to be grateful for so far in 2016, and I hope it inspires you to add to the lists of gratitudes with each passing day.
Adios, au revoir, and I “holler.”
LaToya Hankins is the author of SBF Seeking, and K-Rho: The Sweet Taste of Sisterhood. Currently, LaToya is an employee of the State of North Carolina’s Health and Human Services department. Prior to that, she worked for nearly a decade in the field of journalism. An East Carolina University graduate, LaToya earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism, with a minor in political science. During her college career, LaToya became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., and currently is the president of the Chapel Hill, N. C. graduate chapter. As well, she is a co-founder and currently serves as the chair of Shades of Pride (SOP), a LGBTQ organization that hosts a yearly event in the Triangle area. SOP’s mission is to create opportunities to acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of North Carolina’s LGBTQ communities. You may reach La Toya at her on line home, www.latoyahankins.com; email, [email protected]; Facebook, www.facebook.com/latoyahankins; and on Twitter, @hankinslatoya.
Thank you for reminding me of the power in the Alchemy of feeling gratitude in the now moment. We all know how powerful it is but what we do not know is how easy it is to forget. So thanks for the memory as they say. It was nice to feel gratitude and if it was not for reading this, I would not have felt it when I did. So I am now grateful that you wrote these words and I was able to read them when I did.
Thank You LaToya! Blessings.
Thank you. I’m pleased to be part of your process. Hope you enjoy your day.
Gratitude. A huge word. Epicurus wrote “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” Happy Day.
Ms. Latoya, thank you for taking the time to remind us (me) of something as simple and as important as gratitude, of being grateful for things. All to often we forget to acknowledge in ourselves and the sheer blessing the acknowledgement of it provides. I can’t wait for your next article.
Peace and blessings!
Your words and thoughts are so true. We all should be grateful. I believe that most of us unknowingly take life for granite. We should be thanking our God every day that we woke up to enjoy life the best we can. I know I do. But we should also realize that the little things in life are really big things if you think about it.
Thanks LaToya for reminding us that it is a new year and we should be thankful that we made it this far in life.
I look for forward to your next Hot Tea and Ice.. I am thirsty for more already.. Kudos. Great column.
When I hold gratitude as my ground of being, it transforms my experience of the world. Thank you for articulating this.
And it’s great to see you have a new outlet, Toya. Mazeltov!