The WYATT! podcast is kicking off a new series entitled, “Intimate Conversations.” Each of these episodes features a popular adult entertainer, who opens up about the pros and cons of the industry, his personal life, what motivates and drives him—and so much more!
After contemplation and deliberation, I decided to present this series because adult entertainment can be an integral part of the lives of more than a few Gay/SGL (Same-gender loving) men. And with the pandemic raging, this can be a safer way to “scratch your itch”, if you catch my drift.
As the inaugural guest for “Intimate Conversations, Part One,” WYATT! welcomes Mr. Tancredo Buff: an in-demand, red-hot performer who sets the screen ablaze!
What’s compelling about this performer’s story is that he entered the “biz” later in life–as a man of a certain age! The “why” of that is riveting! So, join Tancredo and me for a real, raw, enlightening– and highly entertaining conversation.
But be forewarned: the irrepressible Madam Pussygalore Cockadoodledoo is in rare form and all up in “tha mix!” And as Y’all know, Madam always inserts her particular and salacious take on “thangs.” She rolls like that.
So, tune into the rapidly growing WYATT!

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