I’ll be conducting an IPV/A Seminar for the D.C. Chapter of ADODI-DC on Friday, March 7, from 7 -9 p.m., in Washington, D.C. ADODI “is a community of men of color who affirm their African Lineage and love of men. Our purpose is to foster and encourage the self-discovery, validation, empowerment and liberation of all members of our diverse community.”
This event takes place at the MCCDC Church, 474 Ridge Street, N.W., in D.C. I’ll define IPV/A, explain in detail what it’s all about, its warning signs—and how you can make your “Great Escape!” And, I’ll read excerpts from my brand new novel, Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—RAGE!
You don’t wanna miss this very special event! To get additional info, contact me at the CONTACT page.
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