Make Your Great Escape!

Just What Is Intimate Partner Violence & Abuse, Or IPV/A?
Within the LGBTQ Community, domestic violence and abuse are referred to as Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A). This demoralizing, destructive, and potentially life-threatening cycle of behavior describes the physical, sexual, emotional and/or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse. IPV/A is a serious public health problem that affects millions of Americans each year.
According to The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP), IPV/A is “a pattern of behaviors utilized by one partner (the abuser or batterer) to exert and maintain control over another person (the survivor or victim) where there exists an intimate, loving and dependent relationship.”
Psychologists and authors Jeanne Segal and Melinda Smith weigh in. “Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control over you. An abuser doesn’t ‘play fair.’ Abusers use fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear you down and keep you under his or her ‘thumb.’ Your abuser may also threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around you.”
Each year, between 50,000-100,000 lesbians (or more) and as many as 500,000 (or more) Gay/SGL men are battered. Stigma is a powerful social force that keeps this horrendous and abusive behavior swept under the rug and in the closet. Stigma is that albatross around your neck, choking the hell out of you.
The Network/La Red is a survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in the LGBTQ Community. In Mr. Evans’s Huffington Post interview, the organization explained, “Abuse is not about violence, it’s about control. You can be just as controlling of someone if you are small—as if you’re large. It’s about using violence or any other means of gaining and maintaining control.”
The good news is that Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse, or IPV/A, is preventable. Psychologists Segal and Smith stress, “The bottom line is that abusive behavior is never acceptable. You deserve to feel valued, respected, and safe.”

Wyatt O’Brian Evans is a survivor of Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse. An IPV/A Subject Matter Expert (SME), Mr. Evans has researched and interviewed victims and survivors. As a Journalist, Wyatt has written about this cycle of abuse for print and online media including the Huffington Post, Advocate, Baltimore Gay Life, BaltimoreOUTLoud, and
Mr. Evans is LGBTQ Community Chair of the National Trauma Education and Policy Board. This organization’s mission is to increase awareness and educate the public about the impact and consequences of trauma in all of its forms–with an emphasis on Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A).
He was also Special Consultant and Coordinator for the “Positive Affirmations—ACCELERATE!” Initiative, funded by ViiV Healthcare. This broad-ranging program was a bold community engagement project targeted to at-risk Black men, with IPV/A as a point of focus.
Wyatt is an advocate and speaker who conducts seminars and workshops on this critical—and urgent—societal ill. IPV/A is the overarching theme of Nothing Can Tear Us Apart (NCTUA), his groundbreaking series of novels. SHATTERED! is the new installment.
Mr. Evans states:
“I’ve made it my continuing and fervent mission to shine a bright light on Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A)- that insidious, horrific, and potentially life-threatening cycle of behavior that continues to be a growing concern within the LGBTQ Community.
“Remember: the most powerful weapon the abuser has in his/her arsenal is…SILENCE.
“Therefore, we RISE UP! And Tell Someone. Anyone Who Will Listen. We must make our ‘GREAT ESCAPE’!”
Let Wyatt O’Brian Evans empower you to make your “Great Escape,” the term he’s coined to inspire you to make that change. Wyatt is available to conduct IPV/A seminars and workshops for your group and organization. Simply click the “Contact” icon at the top of this website.
Male on Male Domestic Violence
“SHATTERED!” Travels Across The Pond!
Yes, Indeed! I had the great fortune of being the special guest on the Music Industry Insights Worldwide podcast.
The Realness of “SHATTERED!”
(This episode contains some sexual content.)
Notable IPV/A Resources
Wyatt’s Huffington Post Articles:
Other IPV/A Related Articles:
The IPV/A Chronicles, Part Nineteen: Broken Dreams, Broken Bones
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The IPV/A Chronicles, Part 18: It’s Purple Power!
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The IPV/A Chronicles, Part Seventeen: The Ten Myths of IPV/A
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The Realness of “SHATTERED!”
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The IPV/A Chronicles, Part Sixteen: Making Your “Great Escape!”
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The IPV/A Chronicles, Part Fifteen: The Month of the Purple Is Upon Us!
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The IPV/A Chronicles, Part 14:
Is Separation the Answer?
Is Separation the Answer?
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No Means…NO! April Is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
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The IPV/A Chronicles, Part Thirteen: I Really Thought He Loved Me
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