(This article has some adult sexual content. To note: none of the images are of Jase, the interviewee.)
As you’re aware, I pen a continuing series about a Man of the Evening (MOE). It’s a raw and revealing portrait of “Jase,” an exclusive and highly in-demand NYC gay/SGL escort. I first interviewed Jase nearly six years ago.
Why have I decided to build a series around this individual? Three salient reasons: (1) arguably, the utilization of “specialized” services of escorts is a staple of gay and bisexual male culture; (2) Jase’s continuing saga has been one of the most-read features at Wyattevans.com; (3) Simply put, he’s one helluva fascinating guy, with charisma oozing outta his pores.
And with COVID-19, the pandemic, Ms. Rona (or whatever you want to call it) continuing to surge and rage on, I was curious to learn if and how much his business was being impacted.
I’ll never share his website and contact information because this series is NOT about advertising or promoting his services. He fully understands and accepts that. (By the by, he’s in such demand that he doesn’t need my help!)
Instead, it’s to give you, the reader, an illuminating bird’s-eye view of his world.
As well, I wanted to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the escorting world.
The last time I sat down with Jase was in 2019. In this installment, I’m bringing you up to date on what’s been unfolding in the sensual and salacious life of this primo “‘scort.” But first, let’s delve into the backstory of our MOE (Man of the Evening).
The Why of it All.
Jase entered the “biz” a soon after the Great Recession of 2008 hit, to put a huge dent into his rather considerable college debt. Articulate, sophisticated, and charming, he has been in the game for nearly a decade now. (Jase’s B.A. is in communications. Quite apropos, eh?)
Uncommonly handsome and very self-assured, this thirty-three-year-old dominant top exudes raw sexuality! And Y’all, let’s not even talk about this man’s swagger.
At a delicious 6’2”, and 248 pounds, he’s thickly muscled but tight: one cannot seem to detect even a micro inch of fat anywhere on him! He traded his military cut for a shaved head, but he’s still sportin’ that wicked ‘stache and goatee. And lemme tell ya: being impeccably well-groomed is his trademark, his hallmark.
Jase’s helluva dazzling pearly white smile and deep, smoldering eyes can be disarming and arresting. And if you’re not extra careful, you’ll certainly and immediately fall under his spell. As Diana Ross sighs, croons and yelps, “Swept Away!” (Hey! Am I dating myself here? Oh well…it is what it is! LOL.)
Although affable and engaging, the brutha’s all bizness. Translation: you don’t mess with his Benjamins. Or there’ll be hell to pay.
‘Cause, ya see, he’s ALL about the money! Cha-ching, Cha-ching! (You feelin’ me? Know what I’m sayin’? I know you do.)

When we last chewed the fat, Jase stated that he was working a consulting gig. Unfortunately, however, COVID-19 appeared on the scene, swallowing up that income stream. Additionally, his personal training bookings took a major hit. His savings was approaching zero.
After multiple attempts, I was finally able to reach this bodybuilder escort for an interview via Skype. So, my peoples, grab a drink, get comfy, kick back, and settle in.
Talk at Me, Why Don’t Cha!
WYATT: Welcome back, Jase! I have to say that your interviews have been some of the more popular Wyattevans.com entries.
JASE: No prob, my man. (Flashing that broad, infectious smile.) You know I enjoy keepin’ your readers in the know. And in the flow.
WYATT: Damnnnn, my brotha! You’ve gotten freakin’ bigger.
JASE: (The muscle stud is grinning from ear to ear, flashing a naughty wink, and lounging back into his plush leather chair.) You like, huh?
WYATT: What’s not to like? (I quip.) So, how’s bizness?
JASE: Eh, to be honest, it could be better. As you know, the pandemic has been devastating! A real fuckin’ clusterfuck. I mean, I lost my regular gig and now I’ve got a huge dent in my savings. It’s been rather challenging to keep my head above the water.
WYATT: So sorry to hear that! Therefore, I suppose you have no plans to hang up your shingle any time soon?
JASE: (Flashing his very own version of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s patented eye-roll/scrunch.) Ohhhhh, hell no! Being financially fucked scares the hell outta me! The money from escorting is still just too good to turn down–even though there’s less of it due to the pandemic.
JASE: But I have to say that not working as much has been partly my decision, ‘cause the ‘Rona can be spread through anonymous sex. Hell, you gotta be careful!
JASE: (Then he becomes contemplative, pensive.) Some months ago, three musclehead friends of mine in the biz came down with the virus. Two were put on ventilators. One of them had a very hard time getting off it, and he was in extreme distress at one point. Even though he’s been out of the hospital for quite a while now, he’s still having issues. The other one lost like 40 pounds of muscle that he trained so goddamn hard for!
JASE: (Next, his mood immediately spirals downward.) Uh, um…my other friend didn’t make it…
WYATT: Oh, wow. I feel you, man.
JASE: Thanks. Well, it is what it is.
WYATT: Jase, you’ve got more than a few individuals–particularly with the pandemic raging–who pooh-pooh what you do. I imagine that some probably vehemently disapprove! So…what do you say to them?
JASE: (Shaking his head.) Lissen…I don’t give a rat’s ass what they think! As I’ve stated before, I satisfy a need for companionship, and lemme say this: the interaction is not always sexual! Besides: it’s a transaction between two consenting adults. (Pause.) And yo–clients seek me out; I don’t put a gun to their heads.

JASE: (Very matter-of-factly.) Man, everything in life is a transaction! A quid pro quo. (Pause.) Here’s an example. A wife wants her husband to agree to, say, a major purchase… and he doesn’t want to. She then withholds the sex! Eventually, he capitulates, gives in.
WYATT: Jase, I’m curious: do you just ever have recreational sex? Do you ever make love to someone without Benjamins attached?
JASE: (Snuggling back in his chair.) Rarely! And I do mean rarely. Listen: “Love can be so, so…well, over-rated.” And as I’ve said before, I’m a fuckin’ sexual connoisseur! Bottom line: I’m highly sexual, I fuckin’ crave sex! Simple as that. And variety is the name of my game.
JASE: I get off on being desired…and being in control sexually. Mos’ def.
WYATT: Jase, when last we talked, you told us about your exclusive relationship–I should say “arrangement”—with Helmut, the wealthy German client. How’s that still workin’ for ya?
JASE: Oh yeah, yeah. (Pause.) But that’s been a wrap for more than a hot minnit. (To emphasize that point, he swipes his beefy hand across his thick neck.)
WYATT: I see. Who ended it?
JASE: (Doing his variation of the Rock’s eye scrunch.) Wyatt, you be the “Funny Man!” Me, of course!
JASE: (Continuing.) I have to say that when I was groovin’ with Helmut, it was exclusive. I mean, I actually gave up my other clients! He was my sugar daddy– showering me with money, a new vehicle and credit cards in my name, etc., etc.
JASE: And, indulging in threesomes with him and his associates, which kinda quenched my thirst and scratched my itch. For a while, anyway.
WYATT: And he had no problem with any of that?
JASE: Well…it really wasn’t his cup of tea, but he went with the flow.
WYATT: Dang, and Yowza! (Pause.) Now Jase, inquiring minds wanna know: did those other guys pay you for your…ahem, “particular specialized services?”
JASE: (Displaying his delectable grin.) Oh, hell yeah!
WYATT: ( I’m cracking up!) Jase, clue me in: why did YOU call it quits?
JASE: Well…truth be told Wyatt, I was kinda fond of him. He’s certainly easy on the eyes, and fuckin’ hawt in bed! As important, he had beneficial business and life experiences. So, for a time, it was a win-win. And Lord knows he had a man on his arm who’s refined, well-spoken, and sophisticated.
JASE: (Exhaling and then inhaling.) But after some time, he began to get possessive…didn’t wanna share me…tryin’ to clock me…making more and more “suggestions” about how I should conduct my life. Methinks he started to think that he owned me. I don’t play that, no way, Jose. I’m in supreme control.

WYATT: Jase, let’s shift gears. As a Man of the Evening, what’s the freakiest scene you’ve been in?
JASE: (Pondering, then flashing a sly, wide grin.) Well, bro, freaky is like…well, relative. (Pause.) I can think of quite a few scenes; however, I’m gonna tease ya by mentioning one of the milder ones. When I write my memoirs, I’ll let it all hang out.
WYATT: Understandably.
JASE: Okay, okay. Once, I was the special gift for an interracial foursome–one Black guy, three white dudes—for an entire night! Now, THAT was freakin’ awesome!!! (Whooping, the Man of the Evening was interestingly animated, with a sense of pride shining through—no actually, burning through–like a klieg light.)
WYATT: Dang, bro! Can you expound just a little?
JASE: (Chuckling heartily.) Lawd man, you really are “The Funny Man!” Anyway, here’s just one scenario: two white mouths taking turns swallowing me whole…while the other white mouth was further down, slobbering all over my hairy, well, you know which what.. Meanwhile, the Black dude’s tongue was diggin’ all up into my cherry hole!
WYATT: Have mer-say.
JASE: And of course, you KNOW that I topped each one of them!
WYATT: Whoa! Any other little “tidbits” you’d like to drop?
JASE: Nah. (Laughing his azz off!) Buy my memoirs when they come out.
WYATT: Jase, are there things you now refuse to do with a client that you did before Ms. Rona hit?
JASE: That’s a great Q! (Pause.) Well, I rarely take on new clients. That will change after folks are shot in the arm. So not to swap spit, I ain’t doin’ the “kissy-kissy poo.” And even though I’m neg and on PrEP, I’m wearing raincoats (condoms). And, hey! Sometimes, I wear a mask! Actually, a few of my clients require it.
JASE: (Next, he flashes a naughty, rather salacious smile.) I just started a phone bone (sex) service.
JASE: (Then, he begins to howl.) So ya see, I’m coverin’ my black muscled azz in as many ways as I can! Ya feelin’ me?
WYATT: That I do! That I do.
(Suddenly, his phone buzzes.)
JASE: Ahhhh…a client! Gotta hit him back. Anything else?
WYATT: Nope, that’s it. Jase, thanks for your time and opening a window, if you will, for my readers. As always, it’s been a pleasure.
JASE: Nah, it’s mine, Wyatt. Be safe out there!
WYATT: You be safe out there.
The brotha winks, and flashes that infectious, tantalizing smile…
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