I fervently believe in “Food for the Soul.”   As you know, I’ve written about this topic several times over the years.  And with the growing social/political chaos and uncertainty that we find ourselves in, it’s high time I do so again.

Precisely, what is “Food for the Soul?”   Well, it’s what I absorbed from Wishes Fulfilled, the wildly popular tome by Dr. Wayne Dyer, the acclaimed motivational speaker and international best-selling self-help author of more than 30 books.  

Dr. Dyer, who passed away nearly 10 years ago, stated, “Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact.”

The salient message of Wishes Fulfilled is this:  a change in feeling (and thinking) is a change in (your) destiny.”  And in an affecting and entertaining way, Dr. Dyer explains how to do just that.

I’ve been dutifully applying Wishes Fulfilled.   As a result, I’ve experienced a profound and fundamental shift and change in feeling—and thinking.  

Now, make it your turn.

First off, there are three basic principles of Wishes Fulfilled.  The first is: “If you want to accomplish something, you must EXPECT it from yourself.”  

According to Dr. Dyer, this means retraining your subconscious mind to attract what you REALLY want.  For example, you must refrain from thinking and making statements like, “Po’ little me—others have done bad things to me!   I’ll never be at the body weight I want…” and all other types of rubbish.  In other words:  your feelings create your destiny.

The second principle, “I AM,” builds on the first.  It has a beautiful simplicity but is profound.  Dr. Dyer states that you defile the name of God every time you think and utter, “I AM weak.  I AM not successful.  I AM incapable,” etc., etc.   

Again, you must retrain your subconscious mind to attract what you want.  Instead, say, “I AM strong!”  “I AM successful!”  “I AM capable!”  And mean it.  As a result, “I AM God” becomes your identity.

The final principle—which has five components—is The Foundations.  The first is Imagination.  According to Dr. Dyer, this means that you must place in your Imagination what you want to be–and then fervently believe it.

The second foundation is Living from the End.  This means that you must staunchly BELIEVE that you already possess what you want to achieve, which is the result. 

The third is to Assume the Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled.   Simply put, you must feel what you want—as if you already have it. 

The fourth is Attention.  Dr. Dyers asks, “What kind of attention do you place on your desires?  How much effort are you  expending to achieve your goals?”  He counsels, “Don’t complain, do NOT explain what you place into your Imagination.  Don’t allow anyone to tell you what is possible or impossible for you.”  

The fifth and last foundation is: Now, I Lay Me Down to Sleep.  Dr. Dyer states that this is “the most practical of the foundations.  The subconscious mind is most comfortable when you’re in your sleep state.  It is then when it is busy at work.  You’ll marinate in your subconscious mind for the next eight hours.

“Most people use these last five minutes before sleep (focusing) on the negative; it’s their ‘worry time’.  Negative instructions and fears are being sealed in their subconscious.” 

Therefore, you must REVERSE this process!  According to Dr. Dyer, the subliminal listens to you ask the universe for the negative.  The subconscious mind is impersonal, open to suggestion, and cannot distinguish between reality and unreality. 

Instead, in those last five minutes, speak the following: “I AM well!  I AM successful! I AM happy,” etc.   And in those last five minutes, review all that you have placed in your Imagination.  Dr. Dyer emphasizes, “You must let go of your fears and others’ opinions.  You have to SEE the wish fulfilled that has not yet come to pass as if it is NOW with you.” 

So, there you have it!  And remember:  A change in feeling (and thinking) is a change in (your) destiny.”