The WYATT O’BRIAN EVANS Show–on the progressive—makes its Triumphant Return Sunday, August 16 @ 9 PM ET/6 PM PT! I’ll be tackling a very serious issue: the sexual assault of incarcerated LGBTQ individuals—or prison rape.
According to the human rights organization Just Detention International, “Sexual abuse behind bars is a systemic, nationwide human rights crisis. It is estimated that roughly 200,000 people were sexually abused in a single year. About half of the prisoners reporting abuse were victimized by staff—the very people whose job it is to keep them safe. People who are LGBTQ face staggering levels of sexual assault in detention; LGBTQ prisoners were abused by other inmates at a rate more than ten times higher than straight prisoners. On average, each prisoner rape survivor is assaulted three to five times a year.”
So on Sunday’s The WYATT O’BRIAN EVANS Show, I’ll conduct a candid and eye-opening conversation about this pressing issue. And, my very special guest is a survivor of sexual assault in prison.
He’s the Rev. Jason M. Lydon, the Founding Director of Black and Pink, an organization that supports LGBTQ individuals in prison. Rev. Lydon’s personal story will inform and inspire us. This is installment of The WYATT O’BRIAN EVANS Show is one you simply cannot afford to miss!
Fierce, Fascinating and Fearless TALK—with Feeling!
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