28 02, 2016

Wearing Raincoats on the Porn Set?

By |2016-02-28T08:00:32-05:00February 28th, 2016|Categories: blog|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

     Late last year, I wrote “AHF on the Attack” for Wyattevans.com, which centered on a ballot initiative that mandated the use of condoms in all porn productions throughout the entire state of California.  The part of the measure that  had the adult entertainment industry really up in arms—and panicky, to say the least—is the following:  that regular citizens could sue porn [...]

3 09, 2015

AHF on the Attack

By |2015-09-03T16:50:31-04:00September 3rd, 2015|Categories: blog|Tags: , , , , |4 Comments

       They’re at it again.  And, they’re brewing and poised to be one “helluva triple threat.”       First, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) was the driving force behind Measure B, a 2012 law passed in Los Angeles County that mandates condoms in porn.      Then, in late August of this year, AHF served subpoenas to sexual health testing centers, asking them to turn [...]

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