The WYATT O’BRIAN EVANS Show–on the progressive—makes its Righteous and Real Return next Sunday, August 9 @ 9 PM ET/6 PM PT!
My very special guest is Mr. R. L. Norman, the accomplished, soulful and stirring author of the “Honey Let Me Tell You” series of novels. R. L.’s fourth and most recent installment is entitled, “Love Is Complicated.” Along with delving into his popular series, we’re gonna discuss the craft of writing and how “to make it” in publishing—and other provocative topics.
And a warning (of sorts): Drag Queen Supreme Ms. Cuntish Cumshot—my Sometimes/Part-Time Co-Host—might grace us with her presence! She should have some rather probing questions from Mr. Norman. All I can say is, “Good Golly, Ms. Molly!” LOL.
So Y’all: “Git Ready to Git Yo’ Cool…and Yo’ Hawtness On!” This is an eppy of The WYATT O’BRIAN EVANS Show you definitely don’t wanna miss.
Fierce, Fascinating and Fearless TALK—with Feeling!
Great show!!!