I had the distinct pleasure of just recently appearing on the influential and uber-popular Collections By Michelle Brown podcast! Listen here:


According to Pridesource, Collections By Michelle Brown is “a natural, organic, authentic and powerful collections of interviews created to highlight the lives of those standing boldly in the crosshairs of their intersectionality and creating change as they move through life.”

The G-List Society states, “Brown is one of the few people in the LGBTQ community I can say without hesitation that her platform is authentically selfless to benefit us LGBTQ people of color.”

During our lively, substantive, and in-depth conversation, I discussed what led me to write my “Nothing Can Tear Us Apart” series of novels (“SHATTERED!” is the new installment); the evolution of the series; what has compelled me to be an author and journalist/my muse; my mom’s significant influence; if my sexual orientation has ever impacted or constrained the freedom to fully express myself in my career; my stand-up comedy era; my Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A) research and advocacy; the necessity of effective marketing and promotion for indie authors…and much, much more!

Thank you, Michelle Brown!

